What is 1037 military time to regular time, standard time, AM/PM or 12-hour clock?

Military time to AM/PM converter

Change the values of the fields according to your desired time value:

How to convert time from military time or 24-hour clock to 12-hour clock or 'normal' time

From 0000 to 0059, add 12 to hours, then AM:

  • 0000 = 12:00 AM (midnight)
  • 0015 = 12:15 AM
  • 0030 = 12:30 AM

From 0100 to 11:59, just add AM:

  • 0900 = 9:00 AM
  • 1030 = 10:30 AM
  • 0945 = 9:45 AM

From 1200 to 1259, just add AM::

  • 1200 = 12:00 PM
  • 1215 = 12:15 PM

From 1300 to 2359, subtract 12 from the hours, then add PM:

  • 1315 = 1:15 PM
  • 1517 = 3:17 PM
  • 2315 = 23:15 PM

Some highlights or tips

In military time hours are always "hundred", never "thousand", so

  • 1000 is "ten hundred" not "one thousand";
  • 2000 is "twenty hundred" not "two thousand".

12:00 AM = 0000 = midnight; 1200 PM = 1200 = noon.

Midnight 00:00 and 24:00

In the military time notation, the day begins at midnight, 0000. The notation 2400 serves to refer to the end of a day. Physically, 2400 of one day is the same time as 0000 of the following day.